Show #306 – Odds and Ends
In this episode, we discuss our upcoming trip to New Jersey along with some questions that have come in recently. What did the witch of Endor actually see? Did Yeshua conform to the culture around Him? And more. Executive Producers of this episode: Janet Lewis, Omid Sehat, Susan Lavey, John Coulthard, Bob & Larue Miller, […]
Show #305 – Back to the Jerusalem Council
In this episode we look at a question posed about Galatians 2 and Acts 15. If Paul is the disciple to the Gentiles, why is he writing to Gentiles, complaining about Peter withdrawing from Gentiles? Also, a FB thread is discussed in which people challenge the deity of Christ. Executive Producers of this episode: Janet […]
Show #304 – God Doesn’t Delight in Sacrifice – What about Yeshua?
In this episode, we touch the language of the Tanach, look at 1Cor. 15:24 and discuss the book of Hebrews and the declaration that God doesn't delight in sacrifice. If this is the case, what about Yeshua's sacrifice? Janet Lewis, Omid Sehat, Susan Lavey, John Coulthard, Bob & Larue Miller, Download Show […]
Show #303 – Are Christians Responsible for Their History?
In this episode we discuss the claims by some that Christians are responsible for the crimes against Jews in past history. Should Christians change their evangelism approach as one of asking forgiveness? Show Notes for #303
Show #302 – One Gospel
In this episode, we follow up on last week’s show and the idea that we need to change the Gospel message in Israel. Also, we look at identity for believers. Download Show Notes for Episode #302
Show #301 – The Gospel in Israel
In this episode we discuss the recent debate that has been taking place over a T.V. show in Israel that presents the Gospel in Hebrew. Why are some people upset about this show? Also, a look at the Gospel itself and when the Gospel becomes distorted and can no longer be considered “the Gospel.” […]
Show #300 – Do Bible Teachers Need Training?
In this episode we look at comments left suggesting that Bible teachers and pastors don't need any biblical training because they are led and trained by the Holy Spirit. Is this true? Is this a profession that any Christian led by the Holy Spirit can pick up? Or does this lead to a degraded view […]
Show #299 – Does Satan have Victories?
In this episode, we look at the idea that Satan is not only fighting against God's elect but that he is winning victories. How does this play into God's plan, and should we understand these as victories for evil or as something else?
Show #298 – Judaism & Atonement
In this episode we look at the suggestion that Yeshua could not bring atonement because God abhors human sacrifice. According to this line of thought, Judaism has never believed a human could pay for sins and, therefore, the notion that Yeshua could atone for the sins of the elect is not biblical and not possible.
Show #297 – Pernicious Errors and Heresies
In this episode we discuss the idea that Moses was divorced, we look at what exactly the “Old Covenant” is, and then turn to some writings be John Owen and look at how the problems the Church faced in the 15th century are some of the same problems we are facing today.
Show #296 – Social Media and Believers
In this episode we look at social media and the impact it has had on believers and the Church. We also discuss the origins of Easter and some of the claims that are being suggested today. This show was produced by: Bob & Larue Miller,, John Coulthard, Lew & Erna Draper, Sue Lavey, Kelly […]
Show #295 – Who Did Christ Die For, and Are They Baptized with Fire?
In this episode, we look at several different topics including, did Yeshua die for the whole world or just the elect? What does it mean that Yeshua will baptize with the Holy Spirit “and Fire”? And what should our method of evangelism be? This show was produced by: Bob & Larue Miller,, John Coulthard, […]