Show #209 – ‘You Are Gods’

A look at Yeshua's quotation of Psalm 82. What does John 10:34 really mean? Also, a look at the significance of bread and wine at the Last Supper. Does Yeshua's emphasis on bread and wine signal a new ritual act?

Show #208 – Aphikomenos

A look at the parting of ways between Christianity and Judaism concerning Passover, Easter, and Communion. Do the Gospels portray Yeshua following the traditional Passover Haggadah as found within the Mishnah? And if so, shouldn't Christians celebrate it that way too?

Show #207 – Is Yeshua God?

We look at lots of questions that have been sent in, concerning our last show. We will discuss the idea of the “Trinity” in the Tanach, Passages that say God is not a man, and look at why Jesus prays to the Father if Jesus is Himself God.

Show #206 – Messianic Consciousness

We continue our discussion of the First Century Messianic expectation. This week we shift to looking at Yeshua Himself and what He said. Why did Yeshua tell so many to keep silent about who He was? Why does Yeshua seem to vail who He really his?

Show #205 – Then They Remembered

We continue our discussion of the First Century Messianic expectation, by looking at the book of John and several of the instances when Yeshua said something that was misunderstood. In the three specific instances, we will look at, there are three different reactions from the three different kinds of people. Why did Yeshua veil His […]

Show #204 – The Term “Messiah” in the 1st Century

We continue our discussion of the First Century Messianic expectation. This week we will look at the word “Messiah” in the first century, and what this word meant. To better understand the Messianic expectation of the first century, we will look at some of the texts that were used when speaking about the Messiah. Interestingly, […]

Show #203 – Paul and Circumcision

Following our discussion last week about the Messiah in the Exodus, we look at Emails and comments that have come in that suggestion circumcision is a thing of the past. These claims are based on entirely on Paul's writings but tend to disregard the rest of Scripture. How do we reconcile Paul and his seeming […]

Show #202 – Messiah and the Exodus

We continue our look at the Messianic expectation in the First Century. What did the Exodus tell them about the Messiah? Did they understand redemption from this narrative?

Show #201: To Us a Child is Born

Were people in the first century expecting the Messiah in their lifetime? Did people understand and believe that the Messiah had been born? Why did the Magi believe a star was signaling the birth of the “King of the Jews.”

Show #199 – About Messiah

This week we look at the pope's suggestion to change the liturgical form of the Lord's Prayer. Also a discussion about the JW view of the Sacred Name, and a look at arguments against what some might call “Traditional Theology.”

Show #198 – Christmas Special 2017

A look at the Deity of Yeshua. Is Yeshua really YHVH? Then we turn to Christmas and some explanations Christians give on why they think its fine to celebrate.