Show #480 – The Law Was a Guardian

Show #480 – The Law Was a Guardian Description In this episode, we look at some significant differences between the Masoretic Text and the LXX, then we move to a discussion on Galatians 3:24-25, finally we will look at some questions posed to us about Communion and discuss what the term “means of grace” means […]

Show #479 – Sacrifice Has Ended

Show #456 – What Matters Description In this episode, we discuss Genesis 9:3 and if Noah was allowed to eat pork, then we turn to some basics of biblical Hebrew and discuss why some scholars use “waw” instead of “vav.” Finally, a discussion on the sacrificial system and whether or not it ended when Christ […]

Show #478 – Covenant Members

Show #478 – Covenant Members Description In this episode, we go to our phone messages and discuss several voicemails that have been left including a question about physical circumcision, whether or not all of the laws of Torah apply to everyone outside of covenant relationship with God, and finally a question about banquet meals in […]

Show #477 – Deep Dive: Mark 7:19

Show #456 – What Matters Description In this episode we take a deep dive into Mark 7:19 and the claim by most within mainstream Christianity that Yeshua is declaring all foods able to eat and we know longer have to worry about the dietary laws. In order to view some of the more modern arguments, […]

Show #476 – Law of Sin and Death

Show #456 – What Matters Description In this episode, we respond to a video by Andrew Schumacher that suggests we are not actually dealing with the hard questions posed to the Torah movement, then we look at a comment about Romans 7 and 8 that asks about the law of sin and death. Also, a […]

Show #474 – Atonement for Sin

Show #474 – Atonement for Sins Description In this episode, we discuss an email that came in that asks about animal sacrifice and Leviticus 4:20, 5:10, and 17:11. If the sacrifices didn’t atone for sin, why does the text say it does? How do we explain this? Time Stamps • 4:11 Start • 11:49 Free […]

Show #473 – Remission of Sins

Show #473 – Remission of Sins Description In this episode, we discuss various topics including Matthew 5:32 and the topic of what constitutes a legitimate divorce, what Israel saw as unleavened bread (looking at Exodus 12:34, 39), and how the remission of sins works according to the Bible. Time Stamps • 3:33 Start • 10:33 […]

Show #472 – Yes I’ve Read Galatians

Show #472 – Yes I’ve Read Galatians Description In this episode, we look at Galatians 3:19 to try to shed light on what Paul is talking about in this passage, then we look at Galatians 2:17, but this is just the start of the fun. Join us as we look at more biblical topics as […]

Show #471 – The Law of God

Show #456 – What Matters Description In this episode, we disucss the idea my some that the Ten Commandments are different than the ordinances that were written by Moses. Then we turn to a comment that states that Gentiles don’t have to keep the law because of Ephesians 2:11-16. Finally, a discussion on if Acts […]

Show #470 – Is Scripture Enough?

Show #470 – Is Scripture Enough Description In this episode, we kick things off by responding to an email that asks about being ritually clean for Passover and corpse defilement. Then we move to a question about Sola Scriptura which leads to a discussion on tradition, finally a look at Revelation 19 and if the […]

Show #469 – Friday

Show #469 – Friday Description In this episode, we discuss tzitzit for today and the question of what the Scriptures actually say about this command as opposed to the man-made tradition that has been attached to it. Then we moved to a discussion on Passover and why chronology is an important topic, and then we […]

Show #468 – Let’s Have a Banquet

Show #468 – Let’s Have a banquet Description In this episode, we discuss eating fat and if the command prohibiting such an act (Lev. 7:22-25) means we can’t eat steak anymore, then we turn to Lev. 19:27 and discuss hair cuts, but the show really livens up when we look at 1Cor. 11:26ff and what […]