Show #167 – Easter + Ishtar = Pagan?

A video by Zach Bauer is discussed, in which Bauer claims the pagan roots of Easter go back to Babylon. Discussed is the way in which to cite a source, what is a good source, and of course, do we have evidence of Pagan roots for Easter?

Show #166 – Naaman

We look at a clip on sacrifice by N.T. Wright, and a clip on enjoying God by John Piper. We also discuss an article by a scholar that is refuting One Torah theology by using Naaman's story in 2 Kings 5.

Show #165 – Are You Listening?

The guys discuss a podcast put out by BDK and Justen Faull, two evangelicals that are addressing the Hebrew Roots movement. Also, a response to a message we received about Matthew Nolan. Were we out of line in our treatment of his teaching? Also, should we never say the name of a false God?

Show #164 – What’s the Goal?

The RC mail bag is opened and emails are discussed. Included, is there power in the name Yeshua? What is the goal of the RCShow? And some loose ends from last weeks show on Isaiah 53.

Show #163 – Isaiah 53

A look at the anti-missionary teaching on Isaiah 53. Although many might speak with confidence the evidence from rabbinic sources along with the language used tells a different story.

Show #162 – Orthodox View of Messianic

A look at “Lesser” “Greater” in the Kingdom of Matthew 5, a short look at the “Rabbinic” view of the Norther Kingdom, and a breakdown of a session given by Tovia Singer in Manila Philippines on the Messianic and Hebrew Roots movement.

Show #161 – Yeshua on Trial… Again

A look at a proposal by an orthodox Jew to retry Yeshua. Also a rap up of last weeks topic on the closed mem in Isaiah 9:7, and a quick look at several passage that speak to the chronology of the Last Supper.

Show #160 – Isaiah 9:7

This week Rob takes us through the historical conversation of Isaiah 9:7 and the closed mem. This conversation looks at various manuscripts and texts throughout history. Rob created a PDF for people to follow along, which can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Show #159 – Jews and Jesus

The guys look at an article by a rabbi that was posted on titled “Why Jews don't Believe in Jesus.” The show looks at the arguments put forth within this article and tests them against the Bible.

Show #126 – “T” is for Total

The history of the five points of Calvinism is discussed, and the first of the “TULIP” theologies, i.e. Total Depravity, is discussed.

Show #158 – Straw Man

The guys look at various subjects including the idea of addressing theology instead of personal attack, Strong's Numbers, and a brief look at hyper preterism.

Show #157 – How We Get There

A short discussion on One Torah Theology, and what we've been “freed” from through the Messiah, then a look at the method in which we get to Biblical truth. Does the method matter, or is it only the final theology that matters?