Show #221 – LXX vs MT
This week we look at the claim that the Masoretic Text was corrupted and by the Scribes trying to take out references that Christians used to argue the case for Yeshua. Was the Masoretic text changed? Is the Septuagint a more reliable source?
Show #220 – Are We Under the Sinai Covenant (Part 2)
This week we look at a statement put out by a ministry that gives their official stance on the Torah for believers. Although these statements are nothing new, they show the mindset of some within ministry that are “keeping Torah.” Executive Producers of Show#220: Bob Miller, Larue Miller Associate Producer for Show #220: Gary Elkins
Show #219 – Are We Under the Sinai Covenant
This week we look at a statement put out by a ministry that gives their official stance on the Torah for believers. Although these statements are nothing new, they show the mindset of some within ministry that are “keeping Torah.” Executive Producers of Show#218: Bob Miller, Larue Miller Associate Producer for Show #218: Gary Elkins
Show #218 – Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus – A Book Review
This week we welcome Tim Hegg onto the show to discuss a book that has been making waves in the Messianic movement. This book, Reading Moses Finding Jesus, has been endorsed by some leaders, but what does it say about sanctification for believers in the body of Messiah? Executive Producers of Show#218: Bob Miller, Larue […]
Show #217 – The “Mystery” of the “Et”
This week we look several emails that have come in. Our main topic will look at questions posed to us by a proponent of the “Et” theology. This Hebrew symbol has been viewed as a direct object marker throughout the ages, but is there more to it? Executive Producers of Show #217: Bob Miller, Larue […]
Show #216 – Women, Keep Silent?
This week we look at a very controversial passage in 1Cor. 14:34-35. Paul exhorts women to keep silent in Church. Is this the ranting of a man who hates women, or is there something else going on in this passage?
Show #215 – Is God Jewish?
In this week's show, we look at Yeshua's nature and John 14:28. Also, a look at an article in the most recent issues of the Journal of Biblical Literature by Paula Fredriksen titled, “How Jewish is God? Divine Ethnicity in Paul's Theology.” What are the implications of the article, and did Fredriksen get it right?
Show #214 – The Righteous Shall Live by Faith
This show focuses on faith by looking at various aspects of our faith. A quick look at an upcoming book and the suggestion that the Gospel of John is Anti-Jewish. Also, a look at the phrase “The righteous shall live by faith,” as well as a revisit of saving faith before the Messiah came.
Show #213 – Neither Jew Nor Greek
This week we look at counting the omer and why this is attached to the festival of Passover. We also look at Galatians 3:23-29 and see how this passage is connected to the Omer and the festival of Shavuot.
Show #212 – Didascalia Apostolorum
This week we look at an early text (Didascalia Apostolorum) that suggests Yeshua's Last Supper was on a Tuesday and that His crucifixion was on Friday. Also, we respond to a comment that was left on our Facebook page that takes issue with our last show and the thoughts put forward on 1Cor. 11. Also, […]
Show #211 – Guests & Wine
A look at 1Cor. 11 and unbelievers at the Passover table. Also a look at the word “Pascha” (Passover), and finally a discussion about the ceremonial cups at the Last Supper.
Show #210 – Where Does Our Seder Come From?
With Passover approaching, we look at some of the traditions in the traditional Passover Seder and discuss their origins. Do they date back to the time of Yeshua, or are there different explanations on how these traditions were formed?